Rushna and Suleman Gilbert
5 min readMay 2, 2020

Today earth is surrounded by numerous issues i.e, over-population, deforestation, global warming, environmental degradation, etc. Our planet is dying therefore, there is a debate Is mars the next destination for human beings? First of all, talking about the mars:

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and the second-smallest planet in the solar system after mercury. In English, Mars carries the name of the Roman god of war and is referred to as the ‘Red Planet.’

Talking about the factors that support the life on any planet; radiations and chemical essential for life includes nitrogen and carbon dioxide. A zone can be said habitable when an orbital region around a star in which earth-likely planet does have liquid water to support life.

Facts about Mars:

  1. Its planet type is terrestrial.
  2. Its surface has water to extract.
  3. Its weather is temperate.
  4. Solar panels can be used according to its sunlight.
  5. Mars has 38% of gravity as of the earth and is believed that the human body can be used to it; means that if you weight 100lb here, you’ll be 38lb on Mars.
  6. Its atmosphere protects from the cosmic and sun’s radiation.
  7. Humans cannot live on Mars without the help of technology.
  8. Resemblance in day and night is experienced as Mars having a day of 24 hours,39 mins, and 35s. The earths length of day is 23 hours and 56 mins.
  9. 18.5 miles per second is the average speed of earth to orbit around the sun. On the other hand, Mars has 14.5 miles per second average speed to orbit around the sun.
  10. Mars is half of earths diametre.
  11. The length of the year on Mars is 687 earth days.
  12. One way light time to sun as of now is 11.956216 min.
  13. Its distance from the sun as of now is 133,633,890 MI Km.
  14. Mars has two moons named ‘Phobos’ and ‘Deimos’.
  15. There are no rings around Mars.
  16. It’s red because of rusty iron in the ground.
  17. It has seasons polar ice caps, volcanoes, and weather.
  18. Mars surface is inactive. Therefore, it’s volcanoes are also dead.
  19. It has a very thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and argon.
  20. There are signs of ancient floods on Mars, but now water mostly exist in the icy area and thin cloud. In the hillsides, evidence of salty water is also collected.

According to the Stephen Petranek who is an American writer, and editor of Breakthrough Technology Alert:

“Eventually we’ll have to get out of this solar system because our sun is dying. If humans want to survive as a species they’ll have to get out.”

In 1971, Carl Edward Sagan who was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, science popularizer, philosopher, and science communicator in astronomy and other natural sciences proposed a way of terraforming Mars(human-friendly). His suggestion included vaporizing the northern Martian polar ice caps to add to Mars thin atmosphere and increase temperatures through the greenhouse effect which would also allow for liquid water on the planet.

Researchers tested this proposal and found that the total yield would fall short of making the planet habitable. So, they narrowed the focus from planet-wide to regional.

In 1992, Kim Stanley Robinson who is an American socialist writer of science fiction wrote the book ‘The Future of Humanity Terraforming Mars, Interstellar Travel, Immorality and our Destiny beyond Earth.’

Mars is unique, but some inhospitable locations on Earth are Atacama desert in Chile and the Dry Valleys in Antarctica. If we can illustrate the practicality of our idea sites like these in the field, that it can be work for the real Martian surface as well.

As the story of two planets begins four billion years ago, Earth and Mars were having so many common aspects. Earth surface got watched by rivers, volcanoes rose from plain but something seems to have changed on one end not the other. Earth was lucky to have a liquid(water), carbon dioxide, nitrogen, ozone, etc. But, Mars on the other side dried up. As Mars is half of Earths diameter, therefore it took less time to cool up after Big Bang.

Mars would seem similar to anyone who has seen the national parks of the American West, as having rock formations and surprising color. The rocks there are reddish-brown and partially blanketed in dunes. It has beautiful landscapes.

No Martians are existing as the satellites and robots landing there navigating from the past nearly 50 years. Most researches agree that Valles Marineris is a large tectonic ‘crack’ in the Martian crust forming it as the cool planet. Near the eastern flanks appear to be some channels that may be formed by water.

9 out of multiple attempts of landing on Mars by robots(unmanned spacecraft) have been successful. The most recent landing took place on November 26, 2018 by NASA InSight. The SpaceX’s aspirational goal is to land the first humans on Mars by 2024.

Regarding this debate, we can say that in the future, mankind will surely move out from the earth. And Mars will be there to welcome them as being the most human-friendly body in our solar system after Earth. Leaving a question for you folks!



We have to save our planet! Let’s make it a better place to live! Today after harming earth we are thinking to move!



Rushna and Suleman Gilbert
Rushna and Suleman Gilbert

Written by Rushna and Suleman Gilbert

We are freelance writers and enthusiasts.

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