The physical world collectively’ plants, animals, the landscape, and other features… of the earth is called nature. It is an opposition to human creations. Once an English poet William Cowper said: “God made the country, and man-made the town.”
According to the Holy Bible (Genesis 1:24–25) “And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.”
God made the earth in its best shape. Mankind and God were very happy. Nature has the answer to everything. God provided herbs, shrubs and, water, etc to man. The man was happy because nature was made to facilitate him. Nature has the solution to everything like a cure to any disease. Nature makes one more strong and fit. People who remain close to nature are more physically and spiritually healthy. People who take fresh natural food and adopt a natural lifestyle are far better than the town man. Nature made man a hunter, researcher, cook, teacher, learner, farmer, sportsman, and many more. Man for his ease distributed the tasks and made machines which are good up to some extend. Excess of ease made man surrounded by the diseases. By staying close to nature, man becomes happier. By doing hard work, one doesn’t feel sick. Sweating during work in the countryside extracts many impurities from the human body. Intense weightlifting tasks make a person perfectly shaped. Nature gives a fresh atmosphere to its inhabitants. On the other hand, man-made towns pollution harms the ozone layer of the planet. Town life also affects humans severely. Medically, doctors recommend their patients to sleep straight on a hard surface to cop with a backache. Nature help mankind in these manners as well. Modern equipment helps up to some extend.
On the other hand, the man has become a machine. It is important to be modern with time. But, excess of everything is bad. Man demolished forests (countryside) in order to expand. He habituated more to get more resources. More than 8.2 million acres of earth’s land is deforested annually. People cut down forests for stores, homes and, other buildings. People also cut down trees for wood for fires to heat up their homes and cook food. But, this practice leaves earth with horrible consequences like climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Mankind is destroying God’s creature and God is making him suffer. The more you move away from nature, the more you suffer!
Nigeria an African country has the highest deforestation rate. Brazil stands 1st in the deforestation list 2020. Qatar is the only country on this planet that owns 0 trees. 45–68 thousand square miles of forest are lost annually. It is equivalent to 48 football fields (150 acres). According to GFRA, more than 80,000–160,000 trees are cut down every day globally which is consumed in the paper industry.
In my opinion, more close to nature you are, the safer you are! Nature has an answer to everything like health, lifestyle, and everything you can think of. Forests still cover about 30% of earth’s landmass. Almost 13.6 billion trees are in the world. Usually, 2500 trees are planted a day. 7500 trees each day (world) has also been recorded. Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest. More than 30 million people and one in ten known species on Earth. It is also known as the lungs of the Earth as it produces 20% of the planets’ oxygen. The earliest known tree on the earth is the Giloboa tree. It is also known as Eospermatopteris. It dates back 385 million years ago. Good governance and a series of laws are the best solutions to control deforestation. Although, global warming (climate emergency) has made people more aware. But, it is not enough. Every being has to feel the responsibility. Otherwise, natural disasters will be a story of every day. Folks! Nature has an answer to everything. Mark my words; More close to nature you are, the safer you are!
Thanks for reading!