There is a good tradition among American presidents that after leaving office, they usually present their memoirs in book form to the nation and the world. While it benefits them financially, many hidden corners of the truth are exposed to the public through comments and analysis. Thus, moving from the past to the future, these details clear understanding.
Former US President Barack Hussain Obama’s book A Promised Land has recently been published and it is said that some 5 million copies of it are being produced, it can be estimated that despite the growing popularity of electronic media. The trend of reading books is alive in the West.
Obama not only won the election but also remained so popular in his presidential term that if the third term had not been curtailed, he would have celebrated his victory this time as well.
Obama’s popular personality, performance and struggle are also behind Biden’s recent victory.
Although Obama, referring to the dangerous operation of May 2, 2011, made it clear that his vice president, Joe Biden, and Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, were not in favor of it, and that they tried to dissuade him from doing so, perhaps for that reason. He has released his book after November 3 so as not to jeopardize Biden’s popularity in the election campaign.
However, he has told the mysterious story of Abbottabad’s building.
Although the Pakistani government assisted in counter-terrorism operations and provided NATO supplies to US forces in Afghanistan, President Obama decided not to share his information with Islamabad.
In his book, President Barack Obama details the mysterious and dangerous operation, his two options, and the various world leaders he telephoned after his victory in which Pakistani President Zardari was also present.
It was feared that his reaction to the violation of their territorial integrity could be particularly negative, but I was pleasantly surprised when they congratulated me on this successful operation and expressed their sincere feelings that these terrorists killed my spouse, the Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.
However, the US president, on the advice of an Arab ruler, suggested that the body of this high-profile terrorist be dumped at sea. Although the situation in Pakistan has improved considerably since the recent operation against 9/11 and Osama bin Laden, the scenario in Afghanistan is largely the same.
In particular, Trump’s irresponsible policy toward various regions, including Afghanistan, has not only tarnished America’s global image, but also its global role. However, the responsibility of global leadership and leadership for world peace pays off.
Decades of struggle and hard work should no longer be used as a justification for this. Isn’t it better than opening new fronts in Iran or anywhere else that the already existing fronts do not turn their backs on chaos until the desired goal is achieved?
A unilateral agreement with an extremist group would not be justified unless the Afghan administration is satisfied as a third formal party and the condition of disarmament is met.
Read the NATO Secretary General’s concerns in this regard once again with open eyes and let the new US administration review whatever the plan is for January 15.
In these circumstances, Pakistan must co-operate with President Ashraf Ghani and his government.