The world is under quarantine. Human beings are in a state of sweet cage. In this scenario, a normal human psyche can be affected. Therefore, discussing here about the psychological outcomes during quarantine.
Here should be an argument of readers that the world has become a global village due to media. It can be print, news and broadcast media. People can interact via these media. But, the story isn’t that simple. We are instructed to do that so, but, this isn’t that much easy because this situation has occurred for the first time in our lives.
Although, social media can alternate the effects of quarantine for many people, it can’t put back human interaction in distance. Being cramped to a small area-perhaps a room in an apartment with an infected person needs to isolate from family. This brings worries about the possibility of getting infected or infecting other people. Also facing the financial consequences, it really causes psychological distress.
A recent review of the psychological impact of quarantine reports is confusion, anger, and post-traumatic stress symptoms, sometimes lasting even three years after the end of the quarantine.
A study from Canada the psychological effects of quarantine during the SARS outbreak of 2003. In the duration of 10 days quarantine 29% of participants reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress and 31% of respondents reported symptoms of depression.
Being quarantined at home with the family can be a blessing or depressing. It is a good time to build good bound with family members. But, being constantly together obligatory can become stressful.
Ways to Manage Stress:
Try to read fewer stories on social media about the pandemic repeatedly because it can be stressful.
Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
Exercise regularly, get good sleep.
Avoid alcohol and drugs.
Try to do some other interesting activities you like.
Communicate with the people you have concerns and tell how you are feeling.
Call your doctor if you feel stress in our daily activities.
If the parents are better prepared to deal with the COVID-19 calmly and confidently, they can be the best support for their children.
How to support your child:
Talk to your child in a way that he/she can understand the facts of COVID-19.
Tell them it is normal to feel upset. Share with them how you deal with your own stress, so that they can learn to manage this situation.
If the schools are closed, create and schedule for the learning activities and relaxing or fun activities.
We should communicate because it can help you and your loved ones feel less lonely and isolated. Consider connecting them by:
Mailing letters or cards
Text messages
Video chat
Social media
You can face secondary traumatic stress and symptoms resulting from exposure to another individual's traumatic experience, rather than from exposure directly to a traumatic event.
There are some things that can be used to reduce secondary traumatic stress reactions.
Learn the symptoms including physical(fatigue, illness) and mental/fear, withdrawal, guilt.
Spend more time with family to recover from responding to the pandemic.
Try to spend time in the activities which are refreshing like spending time with friends and family, exercising or reading a book.
Take a break from media coverage of COVID-19.
When you’re having people to still express love and support in a variety of ways, it can make those periods of relative confinement more bearable.