Media is the main means of mass communication which refers to broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet. Media is also a tool used to save and convey information. There are mainly 3 types of media, print, broadcast, and the Internet. Media is a medium where the masses' perception is changed. People follow and absorb what they see, read, and hear on media. The media’s shape has been changed and strengthened with the past 3,4 decades. The media has made people aware. It has connected people which are separated by the nature like oceans, mountains, and forests… The world has become a global village and people are just a touch away from each other. People meet new people and make good friendships. Many businesses are running just because of social media. It is the bright side of the media. But, the story doesn’t end here.
Media has a negative influence on people (societies) as well. There are more than 3.80 billion social media users worldwide. Social media is the main center of this game. Social media has a great influence to promote good works like raising charity funds, awareness, and eradication of social discrimination… On the other hand, social media has demolished the mindset of the people who are in romantic relationships. With the adding ratio of more than 9% annually, social media is spreading. This is how social media’s influence is increasing. It has been seen that couples who use less social media are much happier than those who are social media freaks. Social media tends people to compare. People try to reach each other level.
According to Pew Research, 37% of teens with dating experience have taken to social media to publically express their affection for a significant other. Social media these days is a validation source for young people. When one seeks the approval of friends and peers. Social media is helping with it. It has dragged people away from reality. Masses' expectations for their partners have been higher just because of an excessive (negative) media influence. Even the physical appearance like dressing and physique expectations are too high. People see fashion model posters on the roads. Advertisements on the broadcast media promote obesophobia. Everyone wants a perfectly shaped partner. Couples 3,4 decades ago were living realistically. But, now social media has made a world of models. When people see their lifestyle. They tend to adopt that in a fake despite facing reality. The truth is this that model and so-called social media hero’s are professionals. They spend hours on makeup to be on the big screen. The professional cameras make fashion models more presentable. They get paid for what they do. They exercise diet and live life for the sake of industry. But, masses are behind the curtain. They expect the same from a common person. People don’t care about the positive habits of their partners. They are always going for a materialistic approach. People don’t see the hidden story. They don’t see the brighter side of their partner. Folks! Come back to the real world. Every person is not a fashion model. Clear your eyes, my friends.
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